
Wednesday 18 April 2012

knotted paths

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
tomorrow starts my 'official' transition back to work. i am so anxious about it. my nervousness is tangled in a knot, tying together our move, our house not selling, my son going to daycare, the possibility of being transfered out of the job i've been aspiring to.

somedays i feel ready for what is coming and others i don't. tonight is one of those nights where the anxiousness and doubt win over the confidence and trust.

i love the idea of god making my paths straight, of untangling the knots, bit by bit and giving me the strength to take on the challenges that are waiting for me. i know that god's not going to fix everything, but he will be there for me, love me and support me when i need it. he's here to help me find my way.

and no matter how thick my ball of knots is, he'll be there to help me unravel the kinks as they come, one by one.



  1. I like your metaphor of knots. I have found that I can untangle the easy knots, with some help I can untie the difficut ones, but the imposiible ones God has either untangled them for me or is in the process of untangling them... I am becoming more accepting of the reality that knots are a part of my life.... I hope your transition day goes well for you.

    1. thanks for the well wishes - my meetings went well and (some) of my nervousness has been dispelled!
      i like what you said about knots being apart of life - i know for myself i don't want them to appear, but that's not how it works. i'm glad that yours are untangling themselves! enjoy the journey!

  2. I have been in similar situations so many times. I understand the anxiety all to well..I live with it daily. I have so many things I want to say. For now I will say you must trust that it will work out..follow your heart..I have had to learn that god will provide. I haven't yet learned how to let go of the anxiety. Going back to work is a tough emotional time..allow yourself to feel will be ok. I want share more but will do via email. I will pray for you and your family...

    1. thanks for your prayers- i really appreciate them! letting go of anxiety is definitely a struggle for me, it feels ingrained, you know? it's good to know that i'm not the only one! i look forward to reading your email - thanks for the comment!
