
Friday, 6 April 2012

a promise is a promise

Yes, I am confirming my covenant with you. Never again will a flood destroy the earth. (Gen.9:11)
good friday is a day all about promise. it's looking the worst case scenario in the eye and knowing that there has been a promise made. it's about faith and love and hope in the midst of struggle and violence.

good friday makes me think of the people in christ's day that bought into his story; his followers, disciples, his family. i think if i was one of those people and saw him being brutalized i would feel like the promises that were made were for naught. but the great thing about this story is that just when you think that you are at the end, there's another chapter. there's hope.

god has promised me that he will have my back. now the ball's in my court and i need to trust him.

the thing about trust, as a mere mortal, is that our experiences with it leave a little something to be desired, as we learn about trust with other flawed people. god's different, but sometimes it's hard to wrap my head around the notion that he's not going to exploit me or disappoint me, in fact, he's got something great in store for me, i just can't see what it is yet.

when i am feeling a little lacking in the trust department, i start to remind myself of all the promises that god has kept to me. i think of my safety in precarious situations and the love that fills my home from my husband and son. i think of things that i have experienced that were big spiritual awakenings, and how those things almost never happened in a church. i think of the beauty and intricacies of life that hold us all together. and then i relax, every so slightly. god's got my back.


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